Offer rate and bid rate

The USDAUD quoted rate is 1.0625 on the bid and 1.0675 on the offer. By convention the USD is the unit currency and AUD is the terms currency. The company will have to buy the USD on the dealer's offer, and will pay 1.0675 for each dollar bought.

The bid price is the price that an investor is willing to pay for the security. For example, if an investor wanted to sell a stock, he or she would need to determine how  Definition: Bid-Ask Spread is typically the difference between ask (offer/sell) price Bid-Ask Spread can be expressed in absolute as well as percentage terms. It just tells at what price the recent trade took place in that scrip. If you are buying, you should look at the Ask Rate. This is rate at which you can buy. (Someone is  What's the difference between Ask Price and Bid Price? Ask price — also called offer price, asking price, or simply offer or ask — is the lowest price a seller will accept for The spread is $0.0004 and the spread percentage is roughly 0.03%. It can also be expressed as a percentage – in this case 0.2% [($50.10 – $50.00) / ($50.00)]. The spread would close if a prospective buyer agreed to buy the stock  

In the currency market, the dealer will give you a quote for the USD which will include both the bid rate and the ask rate. The USD could be quoted as Rs.67.27 - Rs.67.33. Here, the USD is the base currency and INR is the price currency.

Bid rate is the price at which you want to buy a stock and offer price is at which stock is available for sale.Eg- Current price of a stock is Rs 100 and you want to buy at Rs 98. So here Bid price is - Rs 98. And Offer price is 100. The mid market rate is average of the bid and ask rates and is not a rate that you can deal at. When you see an exchange rate that is quoted as a single number, it is usually the mid market rate. This is quoted to give an indication of the level that a currency pair is trading at. The bid and ask prices will be either side of the mid market rate. The Bank Bill Swap Bid Rate (BBSY) is an Australian benchmark interest rate quoted and dispersed by the data provider Thompson Reuters Information Service. The BBSY is typically used by financial The offer rate is the rate the company will use if selling the first mentioned currency (dinars). I explain in detail in my free lectures the logic of this, and how to decide which rate to use regardless of what terminology is used.

The USDAUD quoted rate is 1.0625 on the bid and 1.0675 on the offer. By convention the USD is the unit currency and AUD is the terms currency. The company will have to buy the USD on the dealer's offer, and will pay 1.0675 for each dollar bought.

The Bank Bill Swap Bid Rate (BBSY) is an Australian benchmark interest rate quoted and dispersed by the data provider Thompson Reuters Information Service. The BBSY is typically used by financial The offer rate is the rate the company will use if selling the first mentioned currency (dinars). I explain in detail in my free lectures the logic of this, and how to decide which rate to use regardless of what terminology is used. From the above, the 3 months’ market bid rate is calculated as US$1 = Rs 44.70 and the offer rate as US$1 = Rs 44.96. In other words, US$ is costlier in terms of Indian Rupee in forwards. Therefore, the US$ is at a premium and the market will add lesser of the two premium points, i.e., The difference between the offer rate and the bid rate. Spread. The price of one currency in terms of another. Foreign exchange rate. A condition under which the forward rate of one currency relative to another currency is higher than the spot rate. Forward discount.

Difference Between Bid and Offer. The bid rate is the maximum rate in the market which buyers of stock are willing to pay in order to purchase any stock or the other security demanded by them, whereas, the offer rate is the minimum rate in the market at which sellers are willing to sell any stock or the other security which they are currently holding.

What is the difference between Bid and Offer? • Bid price is always lower than the ask price of the same commodity and the difference is often called the spread. • Bid price is the price at which the market buys from you a pair of currencies whereas offer price is the price at which the market sells you a pair of currencies.

The market maker is willing to buy the Primary currency at the first price i.e. 82.50, which is called the Bid rate. On the other hand, the market maker is willing to 

For example, the EUR/USD Bid/Ask currency rates are 1.1250/1.1251. Notice that FBS offers trading accounts with fixed and with floating spread, so you can  Bid-offer or bid-ask spread is calculated as: Bid-ask margin is the spread percentage, or the difference between ask and bid prices divided by the ask price . Currency exchange rates that are reported in the news and the Internet receive Many also serve as liquidity providers for brokers, offering bid/ask prices on  2015-2034. Google Scholar. Boothe, 1987. Paul Boothe,Exchange rate risk and the bid-ask spread: A seven country comparison. Economic Inquiry (1987), pp.

In the Euro Interbank deposit market where both bid and offer rates for a particular period are the same. En el mercado de depósitos interbancarios en euros,  The Forex bid & ask spread represents the difference between the purchase and the sale rates. This signifies the expected profit of the online Forex Trading  19 Jun 2017 The bid and offer prices are simply the prices at which other buyers in the advisable to calculate the spread as a percentage of the mid-price. Monthly average of 3 month Euro-Dollar deposit interest rate, mean offer/bid. IUMED3A View chart for this data series. End month level of 3 month Euro-Dollar